Student conference and scientific conference flagship events of the second semester of the pharmaceutical Zagazig

With the start of the second semester , and under the auspices of d . Ashraf al-Shehhi President of the University College of Pharmacy organizes university student conference will be held on Thursday, March 13th, 2014 . As the complexity of the overall fourth scientific conference entitled " Recent trends in the treatment of common diseases in Egypt " on 27 of the March Hall Almatrut college.
He said d . Abdullah Shanawany dean of the college that the conference comes within the framework of the application of development strategies of university performance and careful preparation student is able to offer and provide his scientific researches and explain the manner optimized .. The conference also aims to promote cooperation between students and faculty members and take advantage of their expertise in various directions , as well as activation community participation , are efficiencies of the conference through four major themes the first inaugural lecture about the mechanisms of scientific research and research projects Second presentation of research projects from each section scientific students fifth division .. The third are through review of research accepted for students of other levels either Balelqa or work posters . The conference concludes its distribution of awards and honors for best student presentations ... as well as honoring the top five students of all levels of Pharmaceutical Sciences program in addition to the two students for each level of clinical pharmacy program .

He added. Shanawany that the college will hold its conference scientific fourth entitled " Recent trends in the treatment of common diseases in Egypt ," in order to provide an opportunity for young scientists to view their research , discussion and benefit from the expertise of professors and scientists specialized and exchange views on the latest technologies and trends in the treatment of diseases that are common in various parts of Egypt and to determine the most prominent the challenges they face in this area , will be held on March 27 at the Conference Hall in the college.

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