International Conference comprehensive Sinai Peninsula Development wraps up today in Sharm El Sheikh

Forty-one conference of the Association of Egyptian scientists in America and Canada today concluded its work and hosted Zagazig University and co-organized with the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and the University of Sinai under the name of "comprehensive development of the Sinai Peninsula."

Conference held in Sharm el-Sheikh emphasis on security, peace and stability of the land of Sinai and Egypt, all of which, in the period from 26 to December 28, 2014 and convinced that sustainable development in Sinai is a national security issue, one of the hubs of the success and support of the Suez Canal axis has crystallized the most important recommendations of the Conference on Education and health are as follows:
First Education:
1 Create the first technological university on a global level in Egypt to the land of Sinai to be the nucleus create Umraniye developed society is also a center of attraction for students at the local level, regional and global linked plan Sinai Development and adapted to the unique of its natural wealth and the wealth of vital fact and after the geographic and historical distinct and potential tourist rare and is based on the collection and support capabilities and scientific expertise to Egyptian scholars at home and abroad. It will be the message of this university is the investment knowledge and turn it into new technologies to create a unique reality in the Sinai meet the community and national needs through new programs of study in modern disciplines meet the needs of the development system in the Sinai.
2 technical interest in education and technical training in the Sinai with the use of modern technologies in learning, such as distance education and open education and education-based projects with the introduction of education-based training periods of actual Coop_education and encourage innovation and creativity and to link educational strategy for sustainable development plan.
3 Support the Egyptian universities efforts in exploring and writing the history of Sinai as an important part of the fabric of Egyptian history through the ages.
Second Health
1 Create a medical spa for medical tourism on a global level in Sinai invests natural environmental excellence in the Sinai as a component of the mechanics of hospitalization.
2 establishment of university hospitals to serve the local community in the Sinai and the establishment of an extensive network of public and private hospitals associated to raise the level of medical and unification at all levels.
3 motivating and training providers of health services in the Sinai, and the consolidation of community partnership and medical convoys in the field of health services.
4 Develop a system encourages doctors assigned to spend periods and put a scientific incentive for additional faculty applicants for promotion at work spend long period in the Sinai.
5 preserve the wealth of medicinal herbs, development and utilization medically and industrially and not exported in the form of raw materials are re-exported to us in the form of products.
Third, water, environment, agriculture
• Provide access map floods and floods in the hands My friend Alsabahllk decision to enable the administration of water and work on their collection and avoid risks
• The use of new technologies to harvest rain water in Sinai and set designs Babar exchange according to the nature of the floodplain.
• the need for the introduction of biotechnology techniques invest in vital industries facility in Sinai.
• the expansion of organic farming and organic Sinai and the prohibition of the use of pesticides and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.
• Drashanchae channel length of 2 km and a depth of 6 meters to divert the course of the floods in the region and patience Alhawwarir and used to create a new agricultural area.
• the establishment of a new dam in the Strait of Mount Hilal area to replace the dam area Alroava Arish
Fourth, urban planning and population
• use of local leadership to determine the needs and participation in sustainable development plans in the Sinai, and to participate in decision-making, where we consider the need to meet the needs of life to the success of the development and use.
• the establishment of small and new communities on different areas in the Sinai linked to modern road network that is expanding in the future by establishing a modern universities are not limited to theoretical science, but extends to include engineering, medicine and life sciences.
• take into account the nature of the clay soil at urban planning in order to avoid future damage.
• Improve the quality of roads built in the Sinai, using modern engineering techniques, depending on the precise calculations take into account the nature and climate characteristics.
• Prohibit the establishment of new urban communities, oh the mountainous territory to avoid the risk of floods
V. Energy and Industry
• Work on the provision of non-conventional renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydrogen energy and physical energy and the use of modern techniques of safe nuclear energy with the use of technology for power generation from coal, so the Sinai to become a source of energy and exported to.
• the establishment of industrial clusters is traditionally based on natural resources available in the Sinai, such as chemicals, petroleum and glass with the use of environmentally friendly ways.
• Investment natural raw materials in the Sinai as an economic rather than export in the form of raw materials
• survey of the work area of igneous rocks and metamorphic in South Sinai using heavy metal to get to know the possibilities of mineral wealth and industrial exploitation
Sixth General Recommendations
• Investment Climate in South Sinai improve to encourage businessmen to do their part and development investment in Sinai
• the need to turn the recommendations into specific goals and duration of action plans.
• the need to benefit from the expertise of scientists in the Diaspora to participate in the supervision of theses global research projects and assistance Vyalhsol to finance them.

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