Today Dr. Ashraf al-Shehhi president of Zagazig University honors graduates of the College of Pharmacy

Declared d.Ashraf al-Shehhi that three faculties at the University of Zagazig've got to rely on the previous period the first College of Pharmacy, which celebrate Boukrajeha today and we are waiting for three other colleges to rely in the coming period, The university in the year of forty have made a lot of achievements reached maturity makings for AliAccreditation and our children are able to compete in the labor market and the needy to Egypt every sincere effort in the coming period.Each tribute to our students and their parents and all the luck to them in their careers ahead.
This came in a celebration held by the Faculty of Pharmacy, University today Tuesday, September 23 at the Conference Hall to honor the graduates of 2013/2014 in the presence of d.Said Abdulaziz Governor of the Eastern and General Sameh Al-Kilani East director of security and Assistant Secretary of the Interior Wad.Shawki charm captain and president of Pharmacists East Investors Association tenth and heads of a number of large pharmaceutical companies and a large number of faculty members, students and parents of the graduates.
During the ceremony, welcomed Dr. Abdullah Shanawany dean of the college to attend, noting that this celebration is the first official ceremony extend its congratulations to Dr. Ashraf al-Shehhi headed by the university, which came pledge allegiance to all faculty him in recognition for his in the previous phase and all congratulated him as head of the University of certain team and at the same time.
For his part, Dr. feet.Said the governor of the eastern Abdalazir congratulations on his behalf and on behalf of the people of the eastern province of Dr. Ashraf Ali al-Shehhi chosen as president of the university, noting that the students during the ceremony provided a model of gracious manners prevail and I hope that this fulfillment of each of the tender feet.

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