((An important announcement regarding the withdrawal of cards aptitude tests))

Is withdrawn capacity cards art and music for the year 2014 from the city transit halls in front of the University College of Commerce
Starting on Saturday 07/05/2014 until Sunday 07/20/2014 AD
, According to the order of the letters of the alphabet, as shown in the following table
Today history statement letters
Saturday, 07/05/2014 m a, b, c, w
Sunday, 06/07/2014 AD
Monday 07/07/2014 m c, h, i, d
Tuesday, 08/07/2014 AD
Wednesday, 09.07.2014 M y, t, g, o
Thursday, 10/07/2014 AD
Friday, 7/11/2014 m u, y, z, i
Saturday, 07/12/2014 AD
Sunday, 13/07/2014 AD AA, AS, N, P
Monday 07/14/2014 AD
Tuesday, 7/15/2014 m s, k, l, m
Wednesday, 07/16/2014 AD
Thursday, 7/17/2014 m n, e, f, j
Friday, 18/07/2014 AD
Saturday, 7/19/2014 m for all students who have not come forward in accordance with the letters of the alphabet in the deadlines for them
Sunday, 07/20/2014 AD

• the required paperwork to withdraw capacity cards:
1 - No student sitting in high school and a copy of each type capabilities
2 - Number of (1) a photograph of each test (Artistic, musical)
The Physical Education is the number (2 pictures)
(With wishes for good luck and success for all students) with greetings / Department of Student Affairs

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