Minutes of a meeting of the Community Service Committee July 2014

Minutes of a meeting of the Community Service Committee

The Committee for the Environment College on Sunday, 07.06.2014 AD, Briashalostazhacanutorh / Nahed charity Abdullah Fayyad and Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development and Bhoudorkela of: -

1 - Alostazhacanutorh / winner Mohamed Lotfy

2 - Prof. Dr. / Zainab Mohammed Alexandrian

3 - Prof. Dr. / Abdel Moneim Najla on Buheirah

4 - Prof. Dr. / Hoveyda Mr. Fathi

5 - Assistant Professor / Fayzhahmd Khadr

6 Assistant Professor / Nevin Hussein Mahmoud

7 - Dr. / Mohamed Sabry Tarkan

8 - Assistant Professor / high just Shamsuddin

9 - Mr. / Abdul Fattah Mr. Zahir

10 - Ms. / Magda Mohamed Omar

11 - experienced: Chemical / Atef Nmrnaroz (Mdervra EEAA Sharqia)

12 - d / Mohamed Rakha - Chairman of the environment sector in Sharkia

The first topic: - the ratification of the Mahdharalsabak.

Resolution: - Approval

The second topic: -

The annual report for the implementation of a plan of community service and development environment.

Resolution: - The Council was informed by note.

And closed the record on his watch and history

Chairman of the Committee

A. Dr. Nahed Khairy Fayyad

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