Africa Prize for Innovation Engineering

About this award :

This award aims to stimulate creativity Engineering and reward innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa
Was opened for the progress of the Year Award from the beginning on March 6, 2014
Africa award encourages engineers aspiring and talented Africans from all disciplines to apply their skills to develop viable solutions to local challenges , and highlight the importance of engineering as an enabler to improve the quality of life and economic development. And material support will be awarded to a short list of applicants, during a period of six months of training and guidance. After this period of extension and in the end, applicants will be invited to this event which will be held in Africa, and the winner will be selected to get a 25.000 £ euros.
Are invited to engineers belonging to the University or Research Institute who developed innovations that can provide scalable solutions to meet the challenges local communities. Engineers from Africa and from all engineering disciplines are eligible to enter.
Will be adopted by the Africa Prize Scholarship Fund Shell Shell Centenary Scholarship, Consolidated Contractors Company , ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips and the Mo Ibrahim Foundation .
If you want to learn more or please contact :
Those wishing to apply please go to the following link and pull the form of progress :
To connect and support contact or visit the Project Management Unit university's development
T / 0552372518
Mobile / 01274547464
Mobile / 01225752563
Mobile / 01066183637
Or e-mail contact for the unit to :

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